
The Kennedy One-Name Study is a research project examining the origin, distribution and history of the Kennedy surname world-wide. It is run in conjunction with the Guild of One-Name Studies (registered project no. 4552) after a brief dalliance with splinter group The Surname Society. Its central aim is collect all references to the Kennedy surname, past and present, no matter how arrived at. Where possible these individuals are fitted into family trees although because of the limitations of historical records, it will not be possible to fit everyone together. Male Kennedy Y-chromosome DNA testing is being used to aid exploration of the connections between the different branches.

The Guild have adopted the standards in genealogy of the National Genealogical Society. Personally I find those of the Society of Genealogists in London preferable as they are more comprehensive and I strive to follow them at all times.

More details on how the study is being conducted can be found here.

The Team

The project is run by myself, Iain Kennedy. I live in Glasgow and regularly travel all over Scotland and Ireland researching the Kennedy surname. My Kennedy ancestry traces back to Loch Rannoch (in Fortingall parish, Perthshire) just after the failed '45 uprising. My Y chromosome haplogroup is R-M222-FGC5864 and mitochondrial haplogroup is H5r*. Build 17 of the mtDNA tree (Feb. 2016) shows two new sub-branches of H5r but I am negative for them.


In 2014 I was awarded the title of 'Genetic Genealogist of the Year' for my work analysing Y chromosome data!

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